blog-hailFor most drivers, hail is the stuff of nightmares. The small, ball-shaped precipitation varies in size, but no matter how big, it always manages to cause some kind of damage to your vehicle.

But just as hailstones range from being as small as marbles to bigger than golf balls, the havoc they wreck ranges in severity. Some might be minor enough to simply cause superficial dents, while others are large enough to shatter glass.


The degree of damage runs proportional to the size:

  • Marble sized – Small damage often no greater than superficial dents.
  • Golf ball – Damage tends to be more toward the roof and trunk and a bit more serious. Your car may potentially require a part replacement.
  • Baseball – At this size, your vehicle runs the risk of windshield breakage.

Along with the size, wind becomes another factor, blowing the hailstones toward your vehicle and causing more dents to the sides.

Should you notice a storm coming, park under a covered location immediately. Or, if your area’s more prone to hail storms, invest in a hail cover for your vehicle.

What Can You Do?

Unfortunately, few insurance policies alone cover the cost of hail-related repairs, as the damage didn’t specifically come from an accident. If you’re looking to prepare for a potential storm, make sure your policy has additional comprehensive and glass coverage. Aren’t sure? Check with your insurance company ahead of time.

When you go to the body shop, you may be guided to paintless dent removal, a process which pushes the dents out from the inside. Should damage be worse than superficial impressions, you may need to get the glass or panels replaced. Either way, professional assistance is an absolute must, particularly as even surface damage reduces your car’s future resale value.

When you need paintless dent removal or auto maintenance, turn to DaSilva for quality work at a fair price. After a storm, contact our Naugatuck location to schedule an appointment.