hand opening gas capThe gas cap on a vehicle locks in place to prevent dirt, dust and debris from contaminating the fuel. It also keeps emissions contained, holding onto vapors and preventing them from entering the atmosphere.

Just like other parts of your car, the gas cap experiences wear and tear over time. A worn out cap can result in outside particles entering the fuel and affect how your vehicle goes through its supply. 

Signs of a Damaged Gas Cap

Beyond a cracked gas cap or missing piece, signs of wear include:

  • It Won’t Tighten: No matter how hard you push and twist, the cap always feels loose. A damaged seal, bent gas cap or broken inner gasket can prevent it from clicking into place.
  • You Smell Gasoline: Damage around the seal can cause vapors to escape from around the filler neck. In addition to a strong gasoline smell when standing outside the vehicle, you may start to notice it inside over time.
  • Check Engine Light Comes On: A loose gas cap can trigger this sensor due to significant gasoline evaporation or a leak. You may notice that your car goes through gasoline at a faster pace, gets fewer miles per gallon or fails an emissions test. If enough dirt has entered the gas tank to the point the fuel injectors get clogged and can’t spray evenly, your vehicle may experience difficulties starting and accelerating.

What Can Happen

A damaged or loose gas cap can trigger a combination of the following:

  • Dirt, dust and debris travel from the outside into the gas tank and contaminate the fuel passing through your vehicle.
  • Small amounts of gasoline splash out of your vehicle as you’re driving, especially around corners.
  • Your vehicle experiences poor gas mileage due to lost or evaporating fuel.
  • Your vehicle releases an above average amount of emissions into the environment.
  • Due to escaping vapors, your car starts to smell strongly of gasoline.

If you’re concerned about poor gas mileage or clogged fuel injectors, schedule a full system inspection at DaSilva’s Auto Body. Our technicians will check for damage and suggest repairs, from a new gas cap to fuel injector replacement. Contact us to book time today!