rust on silver car You think you’re taking care of your car with regular maintenance and frequent washes, but after you’ve had the vehicle for some time, you notice patches of rust forming. How did this happen?

On a very basic chemical level, rust forms with an anode, a cathode and an electrolyte. Cars can get all three from wet weather or salty roads, yet certain factors can exacerbate the issue.

How Rust Forms

Your car’s metal acts as both an anode and a cathode and water can be used as an electrolyte. As a result, even when your car is covered, humid conditions especially can cause rust to form.

Once winter rolls around, your vehicle is particularly prone because of road salt. While water is an electrolyte, it’s not particularly effective at carrying electrons, but salt creates a clearer pathway. As a result, while a typical car might rust slowly, salt water speeds the process at a significantly rapid pace. Because of this, if you live near salt water or your car has made it through a few winters, a vehicle can start rusting after a couple years of ownership.

Surface Damage

Certain surface factors invite rust to form. For instance, scratches and dents allow moisture to make contact with any bare metal under the paint. While certain paints and primers promise to be rust resistant, its properties are less effective if your car’s surface has been compromised in some way.

Indicator of Age or Poor Maintenance

If you do see signs of rust, it could simply indicate that its aging and needs repairs like a fresh coat of paint or a waxing. On the other hand, if you haven’t had the vehicle for that long, the presence of rust can indicate poor maintenance:

  • You’re not regularly cleaning off your car.
  • You’re not adequately covering and protecting it.
  • Your car needs to be waxed more frequently.
  • You’re leaving it out in the elements for too long.

Have you noticed rust on your vehicle’s surface? DaSilva’s Auto Body can have your car looking like new by removing the rust, painting and even waxing the surface for long-lasting protection. To schedule an appointment, give our Naugatuck location a call today.