car driving on a road lined with fall foliageYou may think that spring and fall put less wear on your car than summer and winter. You’re right to some degree, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks to know about.

Fallen Leaves

This time of year, leaves change color, but they also fall from the trees onto your car. When this happens, any sap, pollen and acid on them can deteriorate your paint’s finish. If you don’t clean them off, they can also get caught in your car’s drains and even travel to the air filter. Should they start to rot, they can be even harder to clean out. As a good rule of thumb, park your car in the garage or throw a cover on top.

Cold Weather

While fall days can still be warm, nights and early mornings plunge into the freezing range. When this happens:

  • Your tires may lose pressure. For every 10 degrees down, your tire pressure decreases one square inch.
  • Fluids thicken in temperatures below 35 degrees. With viscous transmission, antifreeze, oil, brake and power steering fluids, your car’s response time slows down and its internal components could experience some damage.
  • Plugs and hoses don’t work as well and may even crack and break.
  • Batteries see decreased voltage, which can make it harder to start your car. The older your battery is, the greater the chances this can happen.
  • Wipers become stuck to your windshield. You can either pull them up and clean off the ice or keep the wipers away whenever you’ve got your car parked outdoors.

Slippery Roads

Frost and black ice start forming this time of year, especially as fall fades into winter. When the forecast predicts such conditions, your tires can slide around on the road and lead to an accident. As such, start driving extra defensively, especially when you’re near places where ice might form. Travel at slower speeds, brake gradually and always leave more room between yourself and other drivers.

Whether leaves have damaged your car’s finish or the cold cracked a part or two, turn to DaSilva’s for auto maintenance and repairs during fall and winter. To make an appointment, give us a call today.